2016 marked the 400th anniversary of the deaths of two of the world's most famous authors, William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes.
Pioneering writer and director, Asa Palomera ("a powerhouse on Melbourne's independent theatre scene"): "I've tried to bring forth the sheer humanity of their lives, to present them as it were in their underwear, to show that the emotions we feel from their work are as human as the emotions they, in turn, experienced when they were alive."
Productions of The Curious Lives of Shakespeare & Cervantes took place at Adam House Theatre (Edinburgh, 2010), Bloomsbury Theatre (London, 2010), Thai premiere (Bangkok Theatre Festival, 2014). Staged reading at Tara Arts Theatre (London, November 2016).
This comic romp through the lives of literary masters William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes charts their influence on the modern world. It contrasts the fortunes of two contemporaries whose native countries' - England and Spain - went from alliance to enmity in a short space of time.
--Asa Palomera
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