The Dusk is a reimagining of the superhero vigilante from a grounded, socially conscious perspective. Morally complex and humorous, the series features a flawed hero: Jaime Nuñez, who fights a never-ending battle for the soul of Blackstone City.
Down below the abandoned skyscrapers and crumbling colonial architecture, beneath the buzzing lights and ragged billboards, is a fading, floundering city propped up by vice, extortion, and fear. This is BLACKSTONE--a dark, mirror image of Boston or Philadelphia. A city whose history dates back to the earliest days of our nation.
A once-mighty industrial titan--now teetering on the edge of oblivion. A city that used to mean something.
Blackstone public defender Jaime Nuñez--former baseball hero, now a divorced dad to a precocious teen--is always trying to do his best. But the criminal justice system is not without limits. When Jaime comes into an unexpected fortune and some surprising, super heroic tools, he discovers there might be another, more direct way to do some actual good in the world.
But can the masked man known only as The Dusk push back against decades of entrenched corruption without compromising his commitment to social justice...
- 9781639692187
- 9781639692187
- Graphic Novels
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Scout Comics
- Country of origin:
- United States
- Dimensions (mm):
- 258.78x168.27x9.4mm
- Weight:
- 0.18kg
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