The Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids is a step-by-step guide and coaching book for parents raising kids with ADHD, anxiety, and other challenges, written by renowned ADHD educator Elaine Taylor-Klaus.
The Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids is an honest guide on how to be an effective parent when raising children with ADHD, anxiety, and other complex conditions-and how to guide them on a path to a healthy, happy, well-adjusted life. A wake-up call, a clear guide for action, and a message of inspiration, this book provides a reality-based recipe for how to do a masterful job of raising complex kids, while not making yourself (or your family) crazy in the process.
Parenting expert Elaine Taylor-Klaus, co-founder and CEO of, will walk you through their proven coach-approach method, which shows all parents, in simple steps, how to identify challenge areas and how to use critical tools to parent simply, clearly, and effectively-for everyone's benefit. It doesn't much matter if your child has ADHD, or anxiety, or learning disabilities, or sensory processing, or ODD, or autism, or depression, or separation disorder-or celiac disease or food allergies, for that matter. All that really matters is this: your child is complex because there is a chronic medical condition (or several) that he, or she, or they need to learn to manage for themselves in order to be successful in life.
A coach approach will help you communicate, collaborate, and guide your kids on their path to independence. Here are some of the challenge areas addressed inside, and the coach-approach messages and strategies for working through them.
- Challenge: Feeling Like You've Tried Everything --> Coach-Approach: Letting Go --> Strategy: Lean into Relationships
- Challenge: Fearing for the Future --> Coach-Approach: Parent from Inspiration, Not Desperation --> Strategy: Shed the Shoulds
- Challenge: An Unhappy Home --> Coach-Approach: No One Gets to Be Wrong-The Benefits of Positivity --> Strategy: Play to their Strengths
- Challenge: Overwhelm Is Keeping You Stuck --> Coach-Approach: Focus on Whats Most Important --> Strategy: Take Aim!
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