The subsequent four parts offer insights into both the centrality of biblical narrative and its fateful eclipse by modernity, as well as Frei's usage of Anselm and Barth. The scholars who contribute to this volume examine Frei's analytical rigor, his plea for a "high Christology" in the service of the church; and his shifting interpretations over the years regarding scripture's "literal sense". They examine Frei's relationship to other contemporary notables such as Paul Ricoeur, Eberhard Jungel, George A. Lindbeck and Carl F. H. Henry, along with an alternative Roman Catholic reading of the history of biblical hermeneutics over against the one he advocates.
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The subsequent four parts offer insights into both the centrality of biblical narrative and its fateful eclipse by modernity, as well as Frei's usage of Anselm and Barth. The scholars who contribute to this volume examine Frei's analytical rigor, his plea for a "high Christology" in the service of the church; and his shifting interpretations over the years regarding scripture's "literal sense". They examine Frei's relationship to other contemporary notables such as Paul Ricoeur, Eberhard Jungel, George A. Lindbeck and Carl F. H. Henry, along with an alternative Roman Catholic reading of the history of biblical hermeneutics over against the one he advocates.
- 9780567706034
- 9780567706034
- Category:
- Christian theology
- Format:
- Hardback
- Publication Date:
- 23-02-2023
- Publisher:
- Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
- Country of origin:
- United Kingdom
- Pages:
- 296
- Dimensions (mm):
- 244x169mm
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