Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump. Ashlynne's young LoveBug heart goes thump thump, just thinking about a new BabyBug. Oh, how she wishes it will come live at her house. But MommyBug always says it's still not their turn.
Ashlynne's spirits may be dampened but not her love for BabyBugs. The entire LoveBug village, including Ashlynne and her pals, are excited to celebrate the arrival of this new little one. Plans are underway to welcome the new Bug, including cake and presents. Whose family will get to take care of it? What is the new LoveBug's name? And when is the party?
They are finally called together and scurry to gather at the Big Rock in the HeartSpot of town. And although this isn't a surprise party, nobody is prepared for the surprise they discover
The LoveBugs are colorful, whimsical critters who pop up each morning excited to embrace each day, and embrace one another. These sweet characters share a simple joy for all things big and small. They'll warm your heart as they exemplify kindness, encouragement, acceptance, celebration and love - of course
Young book lovers are delighted by their cheery, energetic, quirky personalities. Children, and those who love to read to them, will enjoy reading The LoveBugs Welcome Party again and again. Bright and beautiful illustrations by Adam Turner make it a great page-turner for even your youngest of babies.
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