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The Management of a Student Research Project

The Management of a Student Research Project

by John A SharpJohn Peters and Keith Howard
Publication Date: 11/09/2017

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The third edition of this popular book has been extensively revised to reflect the changes that have affected student research in higher education in recent years. The ability to carry out research successfully has come to be seen as a 'key transferable skill' required of all higher education students - and The Management of a Student Research Project addresses directly the skill element of this. Furthermore, the research process, at all levels, is far more systematized than in the past. The single largest change since the second edition came out in 1996 has been the impact of the World Wide Web on student research. The third edition has been thoroughly rewritten and developed in response to this. In particular, Chapter 4, 'Literature Searching', has been structured around a sample online search. Throughout, the comments and thoughts of readers of previous editions have been taken into account in framing this third edition. Its aims remain the same - to provide a clear, comprehensive and useful guide to students undertaking research projects in order to improve their chances of a successful outcome.
Study & learning skills: general
Publication Date:
Taylor & Francis Ltd
Country of origin:
United Kingdom
3rd Edition
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