An essential tool for writers, poets, punsters, lyricists, wits, and language lovers everywhere!
THE NEW COMPREHENSIVE AMERICAN RHYMING DICTIONARY is, by far, the sassiest, most fun, complete andup-to-date book of its kind on the market. This remarkablecompendium contains over 65,000 words, phrases, andcolloquialisms--a gold mine of rhyme certain to aid anddelight everyone who works with language, from the amateurpoet to the professional wordsmith.
- Why rhyme moon with June...when you can use Brigadoon, Daniel Boone, or picayune instead?
- A cornucopia of rhymes for exasperating, difficult-to-match words...such as system, hemophilia, and Khrushchev.
- Easy-to-use and read, with entries arranged by sound rather than spelling.
- Authoritative and up-to-the-minute...including the latest in slang, idioms and buzz words.
Whether you're a composer searching for the perfect songlyric or a wit who revels in constructing limericks, here isyour key to a bold new world of creative cleverness-an idealreference book for the Cole Porter in all of us!
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