In its third edition this text continues to question whether foundational principles and policies of torts law, reflect the social and moral values of modern Australian society.
Living up to its name as The New Law of Torts, this book has been up-dated with the latest legislative and judicial development as well as the recent major cases, reflecting the changing nature of tort law.
This is an essential and accessible text as it provides a clear and succinct discussion of the interface between the statutory regime in each jurisdiction and the common law. It comprehensively covers the law as it is applicable to the whole of Australia.
The book has clearly delineated parts, sections and topics for each genus of torts (trespass, action on the case, statutory wrongs, etc), and each species (battery, assault, negligence, nuisance). Headings and sub-headings provide useful breaks in the text, and selected cases are used not only as authorities, but also as illustrations of principle and judicial reasoning.
New to this edition
- Updated with the latest legislative and judicial development as well as the recent major cases, reflecting the changing nature of tort law
- Revised chapters on Causation and Breach of Duty of Care which are increasingly being structured around legislation
- Damages chapter revised to help simplify this complex topic Revised and updated further reading and references
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