Transport yourself to the story of Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas with whimsically peculiar patterns, designs and characters. With over 80 mischievous and slightly odd images, you'll be in for the fright of your life.
Book Features:
- Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas is a 1993 stopmotion musical with a huge cult-following.
- The film fits perfectly into Tim Burton's many whimsical worlds of darkly peculiar characters and iconic designs.
- This franchise is revisited every year by fans as a seasonal favourite for both Halloween and Christmas.
- 9781760976644
- 9781760976644
- Colouring & painting activity books
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- Publisher:
- Scholastic Australia
- Country of origin:
- Australia
- Pages:
- 80
- Dimensions (mm):
- 296x210mm
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