Never has its presence in our domestic and international political environments been so apparent and pervasive. The hostile and polarizing state of those environments is the result of decades of deception, corruption, influence peddling, and espionage to support the infiltration and subversion of our government, educational and religious institutions, and society. It is much more apparent since the 2016 presidential election that we are witnessing a resurgence of the radical Left. Their militant secularist and socialist ideology and agenda is being aided and abetted by elements of our own and foreign intelligence services and corrupt establishment career politicians.
Our nation, culture, and society are in peril. We are currently engaged in an uncivil and unholy war. It's a war between starkly different political ideologies and visions of America's future fueled from within and outside our national boundaries by the Bolsheviks, Alinsky disciples, and revolutionaries of the Left. The radical Left with their domestic and international allies are demons of demagoguery and deception and intend on hijacking our presidency, democratic electoral process with the heart and soul of America, and our wealth and freedoms.
The ideological battle lines between Right and Left, Republican and Democrat, are drawn-right versus wrong, light versus darkness, culture of life versus culture of death, individualism versus collectivism, jobs versus welfare, God and family first versus godless me too first, spirit of Christ versus spirit of the antichrist, American exceptionalism versus American mediocrity, rule of law versus lawlessness, less government versus more intrusive government. The stakes are high, the choices clear. Choose wisely. God bless America.
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