This is one of the best self-help books ever written. This book has helped millions of people to reach great goals in their lives through a power that is inside each one of us. In a nutshell: By understanding how the subconscious mind works, you can learn how your dreams become reality. Joseph Murphy (1898-1981) was born in Ireland, and naturalised American. Murphy traveled to India and spent lot of time with Indian sages, learning Hindu philosophy. He later on formed a new church in America with Hindu ideologies.
- 9781609423988
- 9781609423988
- Advice on careers & achieving success
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- Publisher:
- Iap - Information Age Pub. Inc.
- Pages:
- 222
- Dimensions (mm):
- 229x152x12mm
- Weight:
- 0.3kg
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