Helps paraprofessionals and new school librarians begin their first school year with confidence.
New librarians and paraprofessionals often come to school library positions with little or no experience in library work, and there's a gap in instructional information available for those who want to quickly increase their skill level. This book helps professionals and paraprofessionals learn what they need to know to get started, as well as pointing them to additional resources in areas where they might want more advanced information.
This practical guide teaches librarians and paraprofessionals to develop systems and create plans for programs and partnerships with teachers and other professionals to set them up for success during their first year in the library. A timeline helps map out the rhythm of a school year. The Quick-Start Library Guide introduces paraprofessionals to library science topics such as cataloging, collection development, and weeding. It covers topics specific to the school library such as reading levels, book fairs, and author visits. Each section includes suggested resources for more in-depth learning. Librarians and paraprofessionals will be able to use this valuable, straightforward guide to hit the ground running in their new role.

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