The Rohingya Crisis aims to analyse communal violence in western Myanmar and highlight its transnational security implications. Based on ethnographic research in the Bangladesh-Myanmar borderland, the book analyses the complex often-contested narratives of the dynamics of communal violence and the role of various actors in this conflict. The Rohingya Crisis argues that the communal violence in western Myanmar has cascading security ramifications for South and Southeast Asia, and cautions that continued violence in the Rakhine state might lead to an escalation of transnational crime and militancy in the region. The political dynamics in Myanmar intersects with a rapidly evolving terrorist threat landscape in the Southeast Asian region, presenting an unenviable challenge of managing the Rohingya Crisis.
- 9781786340993
- 9781786340993
- Politics & government
- Format:
- Hardback
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- World Scientific Publishing UK Limited
- Country of origin:
- United Kingdom
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