The future of the worker in the Anthropocene
The climate crisis is so comprehensive in its reach, so thorough in its unsettling effects, that it has called into question not only the foundations of a certain kind of socialism, but also the Enlightened verities upon which both capitalism and its opposition have sought their foundation.'
The current state of the planet, the capitolocene, is a direct result of extractive appetites of capitalism. The threats of climate change are already here and, if we continue along the same path, ensures an apocalyse. The tragedy of the worker is, therefore, twofold- forced to work in such conditions the present is unsupportable. However, within these conditions are exposed the contradictions that might deliver liberation.
Nevertheless, this liberation is likely to be into a world that is beyond salvage. What is to be done to create a planet where the prospects of a communist horizon are a new dawn rather than a planetary twilight? In this brilliant, stringently argued pamphlet the authors set out a new way to think about the Anthropocene and demands an alternative future that seeks to repair and restore our world, and ourselves.
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