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The United States And The Horn Of Africa

The United States And The Horn Of Africa

An Analytical Study Of Pattern And Process

by Okbazghi Yohannes
Publication Date: 07/05/2019

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The recent collapse of the bipolar world order has been accompanied by momentous changes, dynamically setting the international system in motion toward an uncertain future. Such a profound transformation of the international system mandates an evaluation of American foreign policy and the role of the United States in this radically changed world order. In this insightful new book, Okbazghi Yohannes examines the role of U.S. foreign policy with regard to the four countries that make up the Horn of Africa: Eritrea, Sudan, Somalia, and Ethiopia. The book begins by analyzing the historical patterns and processes of American policy in relation to the African Horn during and after the Cold War, offering a comprehensive description of the fundamental policy choices of the United States and the means chosen to achieve American objectives in the region. Finally, Yohannes considers the extent to which the American role in the African Horn aided or impeded the emergence of political democracy and the promotion of economic development within the region. By juxtaposing this new method of examination with traditional approaches, the book reveals a greater coherence in the structural relationship between U.S. policy and the politics of the African Horn. Skillfully incorporating informative background material regarding the history, politics, and diplomacy of the countries covered by the study, Yohannes addresses the interests of both the specialist and the general reader.
Central government policies
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Taylor & Francis Ltd
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United Kingdom
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