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The Universities We Need

The Universities We Need

Theological Perspectives

by Stephen Heap
Publication Date: 20/12/2019

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Increasing numbers of young adults go to university. This book explores contemporary understandings of what universities are for, what impact they might be having on their students, and what visions of life and society are driving them. It criticises a narrow view of higher education which focuses on serving the economy. It argues that, for the sake of the common and individual good, universities need to be about forming citizens and societies as well as being an economic resource. It does so in the light of theological perspectives mainly from the Christian but also from the Muslim faith, and has a global as well as a British perspective. It brings together key thinkers in theology and higher education policy - including Rowan Williams, David Ford, Mike Higton, and Peter Scott - to present a unique perspective on institutions which help shape the lives of millions.
Christian theology
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Taylor & Francis Ltd
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United Kingdom
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