Endorsements: "How do you respond to one of the liveliest, most daring, and most practically engaged of contemporary British theologians? Inspired by Tim Gorringe's work, the distinguished international group of senior and younger contributors to this volume rise superbly to the challenge. They cover an impressive range of major topics and show that theology can be more powerful when, as here, it is taken in distilled form. Time and again these concentrated essays grip the reader not only intellectually and imaginatively but also through challenges to act ethically and politically." -David F. Ford Regius Professor of Divinity and Director, Cambridge Inter-faith Programme University of Cambridge Editor Biography: Mike Higton is Academic Co-Director of the Cambridge Inter-faith Programme and Senior Lecturer in Theology at the University of Exeter. Christopher Rowland is Dean Ireland's Professor of the Exegesis of Holy Scripture at the University of Oxford. Jeremy Law is Dean of Chapel and Reader in Christian Theology at Canterbury Christ Church University.
Essays in Honor of Timothy J. Gorringe
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Endorsements: "How do you respond to one of the liveliest, most daring, and most practically engaged of contemporary British theologians? Inspired by Tim Gorringe's work, the distinguished international group of senior and younger contributors to this volume rise superbly to the challenge. They cover an impressive range of major topics and show that theology can be more powerful when, as here, it is taken in distilled form. Time and again these concentrated essays grip the reader not only intellectually and imaginatively but also through challenges to act ethically and politically." -David F. Ford Regius Professor of Divinity and Director, Cambridge Inter-faith Programme University of Cambridge Editor Biography: Mike Higton is Academic Co-Director of the Cambridge Inter-faith Programme and Senior Lecturer in Theology at the University of Exeter. Christopher Rowland is Dean Ireland's Professor of the Exegesis of Holy Scripture at the University of Oxford. Jeremy Law is Dean of Chapel and Reader in Christian Theology at Canterbury Christ Church University.
- 9781608997558
- 9781608997558
- Category:
- Religion: general
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- 04-11-2011
- Publisher:
- Wipf & Stock Publishers
- Country of origin:
- United States
- Pages:
- 322
- Dimensions (mm):
- 229x152x18mm
- Weight:
- 0.47kg
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