Chapter 1
Pages (30)
This chapter comprises of introduction of nanofluids and miniature heat sink, types of nanofluids and heat sinks, preparation of nanofluids, characterization of nanofluids and thermo physical properties of nanofluids
Chapter 2
Flow characteristics of nanofluids in miniature heat sinks
Pages (30)
This chapter provides information about flow patterns of nanofluids in various conduits, extended surfaces and twisted inserts
Chapter 3
Design modifications of miniature heat sinks
Pages (30)
This chapter reveals the modification of design made in miniature heat sink and fabrication process of various conduit miniature heat sinks
Chapter 4
Heat transfer characteristics of miniature heat sink with various conduits
Pages (30)
This chapter elucidates the thermal performance of miniature heat sink with various conduits and effects of dimensionless numbers
Chapter 5
Application of miniature heat sink
Pages (30)
This chapter deals with various applications of various conduits miniature heat sink, suggestions for future scope of research by utilizing miniature heat sinks ​
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