God made you free.
Your beliefs influence your attitude, which affects your behavior. And your attitude and behavior determine whether you find meaning and joy in life.
This is Jesus Christ respects your mastery over your own mind. Instead of telling you what to believe, this interactive book simply provides information about Jesus Christ so that you can make an informed decision. You decide what to believe. You write down your own thoughts and independently grow to appreciate yourself.
As we mature, we increasingly value having a life of meaning. We want our existence to mean something. We want to have joy, especially when our lives are full of suffering, evil, pain, fear, and unfairness.
Among all the things Jesus taught, none is more tangibly valuable than the secret to having a life of meaning. If you follow it, you are guaranteed a joyful and meaningful life regardless of how awful life treats you. All you must do is to:
Love God
Love your neighbor
Love yourself
Keep God's commandments
Our God is a God of love. If your attitude is love and your behavior aligns with his will, then you can unite with him and share in his very nature and glory. You will leave this world with joy, for as he is, so are you.
This is Jesus Christ is a tool to help solidify your understanding of the most influential person in history so that you can leverage that knowledge into having a life of meaning and joy. Use it to your advantage. You are worth it.
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