It's coming SPLORCH IT'S COMING What happens when slime shows up on your doorstep? BLERB. Should you let it in? FLERK. Nope
. Never open the door, or else...OH NO The kids in this book opened the door Slime is everywhere It's icky and sticky and gloppy and gunky. There's no hiding it. And now it's on the move, heading for the school, ready to take over the whole town Well, it truly takes a village to defeat this flourescent menace. Not until every construction worker, cook, kid, and member of the marching band pitches in does the slime get divided and conquered...until one tiny blob is left,
glerp, that fits neatly into a lunchbox. Whew Well, that takes care of that, right?
Phlop. Not since THE BLOB has a tenacious, tensile terror so paralyzed and terrorized a suburban landscape. In every town, in every home with children lurks this menace. With its hilarious deadpan tone and nearly as many onomatopoetic noises as
The Book With No Pictures, this clever storytime hit will captivate children and grown-ups alike. Slime lovers, who are legion, will relish every glorpy word
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