Key Features
* Distinguish different pace and timing of change for healthcare systems and recognize constraints
* Apply shared mental models for common understanding between digital, medical and enterprise
* Integrate new technology to accelerate digital transformation based on practical examples
Book Description
Technology is an important driver for change, but in essence we should design and plan for personalized health and not focus on the tech. Healthcare transformation requires more than just technology: medical staff, supporting staff, and patients including their community need to embrace it. We need a methodology to bring it all together: people, organizations, and technology by creating common understanding.
This book presents ways to build understanding between the stakeholders and agree jointly on the way forward. Every chapter of this book has a specific theme, providing a comprehensive overview of the challenges, the opportunities and the approaches to deal with them in architecture and transformation. You will be able to guide the digital transformation of global healthcare. It includes the impact of new technologies, but addresses primarily a methodology or framework for common understanding in the first place. The framework is referred to as TISH: transformation in sustainable healthcare. In addition, you will also apply OODA principles (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) and DevOps4Care in real practice, step-by-step.
By the end of this book, you will not only understand the issues and challenges, but also possess a workable, actionable solution in the form of a roadmap.
What you will learn
* Understand the need for transformation of healthcare
* Accelerate transformation through common understanding in manageable steps
* Learn about networked, stepped, integrated, and directed care
* Handle complexity through System of Systems
* Learn about Journey Interaction Mapping (JIM)
* Add value to healthcare by applying DevOps methodologies
Who This Book Is For
This book is written for anyone interested in designing, building, and providing data driven healthcare. Architects, consultants, engineers, and especially healthcare practitioners who want to embrace the complexity of the digital transformation of healthcare can benefit from this book. The book will be interesting for digital leaders (including C-suite) and for anyone who is on a learning path to understand the world of technological innovation combined with healthcare and wants to be a part of it.
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