This pack contains 1 copy of Teaching Primary Mathematics 5th edition, 1 copy of Pearson Illustrated Maths Dictionary and 1 printed access card to MyEducationLab + eText. The fifth edition of Teaching Primary Mathematics has been significantly revised and updated for the current educational environment. The organisation of the book has been redesigned to reflect feedback from readers and the approach taken by the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. Teaching Primary Mathematics provides teachers and students with a sound framework for the successful teaching of mathematics to primary students. It is suitable both as a core text for primary student teachers and as an indispensable reference for practicing primary teachers seeking to update their knowledge. The Pearson Illustrated Maths Dictionary 5th edition is a revised and improved edition of Australia’s best-selling mathematics dictionary incorporating all the mathematical terms in the Australian Curriculum glossary. MyEducationLab – a personalised, interactive learning experience that integrates homework, tutorial assistance, guided solutions and textbook content with unlimited practice. When packaged with Teaching Primary Mathematics, 5e it provides access to: Automatically graded assignments – saving you time Unlimited practice – with revision exercises and problems similar to end-of-chapter items Study Plan – for student self-assessment and customised study outlines This product includes access to the eText. MyEducationLab is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor. The duration of access to MyEducationLab is set by your instructor for your specific unit of study.
- 9781488607400
- 9781488607400
- Education
- Format:
- Multiple copy pack
- Publication Date:
- Publisher:
- Pearson Education Australia
- Edition:
- 5th Edition
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