The natural and cultural wonder of New Zealand is brought to life for young readers.
Discover the sights, sounds, scents, and secrets of rural Waitomo and its famous caves in the heart of New Zealand's North Island. Young explorers will encounter glow-worms, cliffs, buried streams, ancient caves, and the Morepork owl alongside local expressions and diverse people framed in traditional Māori designs.
Waitomo Air follows the pattern of all books in Folkerts' series "Rural Life Around the World" showing contemporary rural life and traditions: it is a visual gem, both entertaining and educational. A poetic story integrated with colorful illustrations, all carefully researched, enables young children, parents, and teachers to discover a unique cultural geography. Come and sense the sounds, aromas, visual details, and emotions of people with whom you have more in common than you thought. A picture glossary is available at the back.
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