Folding out to almost 2.5 metres of continuous illustration, this charming book covers ocean animals, scenery and weather, as well as different seafaring vessels - with something to interest every young child.
This charming concertina book follows the journey of a little ship on a voyage across the sea. Folding out to nearly 2.5 metres, children can look at all the different things the ship sees on its way, as it chugs past fishing vessels, a tanker and a humongous cruise ship, alongside leaping dolphins and shoals of flying fish, through the high, choppy waves of a lightning storm, and finally reaching its own little harbour. Playful text guides the journey, providing fun shared experience and conversation starter for parents and young children.
The reverse side of the concertina features spot illustrations picked out from the main scene, with a more expansive information about each element, from ships to ocean life.
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