Folding out to almost 2.5 metres of continuous illustration, this charming book covers ocean animals and scenery at different levels of the ocean - with something to interest every young child.
This charming concertina book follows the journey of a little submersible on a voyage beneath the waves, down into the deep ocean and back again. Folding out to nearly 2.5 metres, children can look at all the different things the sub sees on its way, as it travels past a shipwreck, through a coral reef, near to a pod of orcas hunting for their lunch, past a leatherback turtle feasting on jellyfish, and past some rather strange fish as the ocean gets deeper and darker. Playful text guides the journey, providing fun shared experience and a conversation starter for parents and young children.
The reverse side of the concertina features spot illustrations picked out from the main scene, with more expansive information about submarines, ocean life and the dangers it is facing.
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