Congressional Hearing
Publication Date: 01/07/2000
Hearing by the Commission on Security & Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission) on the current human rights situation in Russia. Witnesses: Alexeyeva Ludmilla, Chairperson, Moscow Helsinki Group & Pres., the International Helsinki Fdn.; Elena Bonner, Chairperson, Andrei Sakharov Fdn., original member of the Moscow Helsinki Group; David Satter, Senior Fellow, Hudson Inst., visiting scholar, Johns Hopkins Univ., Nitze School of Advanced International Studies; Larry Uzzell, Moscow Rep., Keston Inst.; Micah Naftalin, Nat. Dir., Union of Councils for Soviet Jews; & Mark Levin, Exec. Dir. of the National Conf. on Soviet Jewry.
- 9780788189180
- 9780788189180
- Category:
- Human rights
- Publication Date:
- 01-07-2000
- Publisher:
- DIANE Publishing Company
- Country of origin:
- United States
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