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Wireless Multimedia Communication Systems

Wireless Multimedia Communication Systems

Design, Analysis, and Implementation

by Zoran S. BojkovicK. R. Rao and Bojan M. Bakmaz
Publication Date: 29/03/2017

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Rapid progress in software, hardware, mobile networks, and the potential of interactive media poses many questions for researchers, manufacturers, and operators of wireless multimedia communication systems. Wireless Multimedia Communication Systems: Design, Analysis, and Implementation strives to answer those questions by not only covering the underlying concepts involved in the design, analysis, and implementation of wireless multimedia communication systems, but also by tackling advanced topics such as mobility management, security components, and smart grids.

Offering an accessible treatment of the latest research, this book:

  • Presents specific wireless multimedia communication schemes that have proven to be useful
  • Discusses important standardization processing activities regarding wireless networking
  • Includes wireless mesh and multimedia sensor network architectures, protocols, and design optimizations
  • Highlights the challenges associated with meeting complex connectivity requirements
  • Contains numerous figures, tables, examples, references, and a glossary of acronyms

Providing coverage of significant technological advances in their initial steps along with a survey of the fundamental principles and practices, Wireless Multimedia Communication Systems: Design, Analysis, and Implementation aids senior-level and graduate-level engineering students and practicing professionals in understanding the processes and furthering the development of today's wireless multimedia communication systems.

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