Write Like a Chemist: A Guide and Resource focuses on four types of writing that are common in chemistry: the journal article, conference abstract, scientific poster, and research proposal. Users of the book will learn to write through a host of exercises, ranging in difficulty from correcting single words and sentences to writing professional-quality papers, abstracts, posters, and proposals.
This second edition of
Write Like a Chemist has been updated to include new excerpts from the primary literature and other chemistry genres, updated tables and figures that can be consulted for chemistry-specific writing patterns and practices, infographics developed by
inChemistry that convey essentials for writing conference abstracts and preparing scientific posters, a scientific poster template and corresponding model poster that can be used for poster creation, and updated exercises and task types. Additional resources for students and instructors have been placed on the
Write Like a Chemist companion website, which includes exercises, answer keys, and a separate and secure section with materials for faculty adopting the book for a university course.
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