Greek mythology meets The Secret Life of Pets in this first adventure in a new middle grade fiction series, starring Zeus, the mighty hamster, and the crazy crew of critters of the Mount Olympus Pet Supply Shop.
Welcome to the Mount Olympus Pet Supply Shop, which sits high on a hill in Athens, Georgia. The owner, Artie, has a soft spot for animals that need a forever home and has rescued a menagerie of creatures, each named after a powerful god or goddess. But these animals aren't just pets with cool names...
Zeus is a tiny little hamster with a mighty appetite for power. His cage sits atop a high shelf so he can watch the other pets from above. As king of the creatures, he dictates the nightly agenda to all his animal minions. But the others are getting pretty sick and tired of answering to the egotistical fluffball.
When Zeus betrays his friends for his own gain, they turn on this cheeky rodent. Worst of all, Artie is beginning to notice something is amiss. Can Zeus repair his friendships and restore order to the pet shop before their secret is revealed to the world?
Get ready to laugh, cheer, and learn with this adorable and hilarious cast of characters in their unforgettable first adventure!
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