10 Powerful Men Study Guide

10 Powerful Men Study Guide

by Rick Renner
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 01/04/2022

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Men Are Supposed To Be Powerful!

MEN ARE SUPPOSED TO BE POWERFUL…but today men everywhere feel like they are under attack — even for simply being men!

There is no doubt about it. The devil is after men and wants to destroy their God-given roles in the family and the nation. But when men's hearts are touched by God, they become powerful — and we need those God-touched men!

In this amazing ten-part series, Rick Renner will show you that even though there’s no such thing as a perfect man, if any man will let God touch his life, he can become powerful. You’ll learn about:

  • A man who didn’t communicate correctly with his wife.

  • An imperfect man who became the father of faith.

  • A boy who was called to minister.

  • An emotional man Jesus chose to be a leader.

  • A murderer turned apostle.

  • And so much more…

This series will help any man, teenager, or boy know that God has anointed him to be the best man he can be! We are absolutely confident this series will be a blessing to you or to any man you’re thinking about right now — a perfect gift to give or just the series for you to start listening to now.

Christian aspects of sexuality
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Harrison House Publishers

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