Whether you're a die-hard booster from the early days of Conn Smythe or a new supporter of John Tavares and Auston Matthews, these are the 100 things all Maple Leafs fans need to know and do in their lifetime. Authors Michael Leonetti and Paul Patskou have collected every essential piece of Maple Leafs knowledge and trivia, as well as must-do activities, and ranked them, providing an entertaining and easy-to-follow checklist as you progress on your way to fan superstardom. 100 Things Maple Leafs Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die is the ultimate resource guide for true fans.
- 9781641255233
- 9781641255233
- Travel & holiday
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Triumph Books
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