Have you ever wanted to ask a question about vocational assessment but have felt embarrassed because you think you should already know the answer? Or have you asked a question before but weren't sure if you understood the response?
Vocational education, assessment and compliance expert Vanessa McCarthy has once been where you are, and so have so many other people she has spoken to over the years.
At the time she wished she'd had a handy easy-tip guide that she could quickly check to remind herself in those uncertain moments. Instead of waiting for one, Vanessa decided that she would write one herself.
101 Assessment Tips doesn't just regurgitate quality assurance standards. It covers the basic questions and provides, embraces and encourages innovative thoughts, concepts and suggestions on quality assessment.
Vanessa McCarthy is the director and creator of Valid8ed™️ and Prickly2sweet™️, and her book shares and celebrates those ah-ha moments in RTO assessment and compliance. She hopes her easy-tip guide inspires you to improve your assessments. Or start to question and review what your organisation considers to be best practice of assessment, assessment systems and compliance strategies for sustainable assessment in Vocational Education Training (VET).
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