13 Mistakes That Christians Make

13 Mistakes That Christians Make

by Travis Peagler
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 28/06/2024

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Are you tired of feeling pressured to be a perfect Christian? Are you tired of the judgment and hypocrisy you see among fellow believers? "13 Mistakes that Christians Make: You Are Not Holier Than Thou" is the book you need to read.

In "13 Mistakes That Christians Make: We Are Not Holier Than Thou", author Travis Peagler fearlessly exposes the common pitfalls that many Christians unknowingly and knowingly fall into, hindering their spiritual growth and relationship with God. With a fresh perspective and insightful wisdom, this book shines a light on the flawed thinking and behaviors that often plague believers, ultimately leading them astray from their true purpose and calling.

From judgmental attitudes to legalistic mindsets, from prideful behaviors to misplaced priorities, this eye-opening guide delves into the 13 most critical mistakes that can sabotage a Christian's faith journey**.** Through real-life stories, practical advice, and scriptural truths, readers are encouraged to reflect, repent, and refocus on the grace and love of God.

Whether you're a seasoned believer or a newcomer to the faith, "13 Mistakes That Christians Make" is a wake-up call. The alarm is ringing for those seeking to deepen their faith. It invites them to shed the facade of holier-than-thou attitudes and instead embrace humility, authenticity, and a genuine pursuit of God's heart. This book is a must-read for anyone striving to overcome the barriers that separate them from experiencing the fullness of God's blessings and presence in their lives.

Christian life & practice
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Script Novel Publishing

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