200 Vegan Pizza Recipes to Make and Master - Increase Your Repertoire of Nutritious Vegan Pizza Recipes to More Optimally Feed Your Body in a Fun & Tasty Way
As I say: ""Vegans Must Master the Pizza Nutrient Delivery Platform..." Pizza is an ultimate "nutrient dosing vehicle" for vegans in that you can creatively load up a pizza with all sorts of powerful nutrients of many different types, and still have it taste and feel good!
If you are not familiar with my works regarding vegan eating, know that vegan eating can be the best type there is on the planet, if you know how to do it right which means that you know how to get in your human body essential nutrient needs daily through (clean) foods.
- Extensive array of historical remakes into the vegan style and many impressively creative, ultra tasty vegan pizza recipes all with instructions on how to make.
- Many many additional and creative pizza dough, pizza crust recipes.
- Learn pizza styles from around the world.
- Many creative sauce recipe.
- Vegan cheese replacement solutions.
- Best types of water to use for your dough.
- Pizza making tips galore.
Here is a quick overview of what is in this powerful pizza vegan cookbook below. You'll get a picture of an expanded view of the amazing world of pizza from around the world.
- 21 New York Pizza Dough Recipes – Traditional & Vegan Versions.
- 21 Additional Chicago Pizza Dough Recipes.
- 22 Italian Pizza Dough Recipes.
- 52 Creative Vegan Pizza Dough Recipes = 116 dough recipes.
- 60 Vegan Flat Crust Pizza Style Recipes.
- 20 Vegan Pizza Sauce Recipes Using Canned Sauce.
- 40 Vegan Pizza Sauce Recipes Made from Scratch - No Cans.
- 20 More Vegan Tomato Sauce Recipes Made From Scratch = 80 Pizza sauce recipes.
- Vegan Cheese Replacement Recipes.
- A Birds Eye View of 200 Different Pizza Styles from Around the World.
- Vegan Pizza Protein Enhancers.
- Best Types of Water to Use in Making Your Pizza.
- 80 Vegan Dessert Pizza Recipes.
- 20 Full Vegan Veggie Assortment Pizza Recipes & Beverage Pairings.
- 20 Vegan Pizza Recipes with Vegan Meat Replacements & Beverage Pairings.
- 20 Vegan Pizza Recipes with Veggies, Seeds, Fruit and Nuts Combinations Plus Beverage Pairings.
- 20 Vegan California Style Pizza Recipes.
- 20 Vegan New York Style Pizza Recipes.
- 20 Vegan Indian Style Pizza Recipes.
- 20 Vegan Italian Style Pizza Recipes.
- 20 Vegan Vietnamese Style Pizza Recipes.
- 10 Vegan Dessert Pizza Recipes with Apples.
- 10 Vegan Dessert Pizza Recipes with Pears.
- 10 Vegan Dessert Pizza Recipes with Walnuts.
- 20 Vegan Dessert Pizza Recipes with Berries.
- 20 Random Creative Vegan Dessert Pizza Recipes.
- 20 More Random Creative Vegan Dessert Pizza Recipes.
- And 20 More Random Creative Vegan Dessert Pizza Recipes = 410 Pizza recipes - so that's a little more than 200, as my gift to you. Plus, there may be duplicate recipes here and there so extra recipes more than cover any duplicates.
Having go to recipes is important so you don't drift into eating junky convenience foods or too much of anyone food. In this book I give you a lot of information directly in a compact way so you can quickly reference each tip or recipe.
Pick up your copy of 200 Vegan Pizza Recipes to Make and Master and start cooking today! - Christopher Lively
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