Part of our value-added professional format series, the First Aid Field Manual (FM 4-25.11) meets the first aid training needs of individual service members. Because medical personnel will not always be readily available, the nonmedical service members must rely heavily on their own skills and knowledge of life-sustaining methods to survive on the integrated battlefield. This publication outlines both self-aid and aid to other service members (buddy aid). More importantly, it emphasizes prompt and effective action in sustaining life and preventing or minimizing further suffering and disability. First aid is the emergency care given to the sick, injured, or wounded before being treated by medical personnel. The term first aid can be defined as "urgent and immediate lifesaving and other measures, which can be performed for casualties by nonmedical personnel when medical personnel are not immediately available." Nonmedical service members have received basic first aid training and should remain skilled in the correct procedures for giving first aid. This manual is directed to all service members. The procedures discussed apply to all types of casualties and the measures described are for use by both male and female service members.
This field manual has been converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction.
As a bonus, this reproduction includes FM-1, The Army Field Manual, a capstone manual containing the vision for the Army - sold separately for $5.99. FM 1 establishes the fundamental principles for employing Landpower. The most important of these are the Army's operational concept and the fundamentals that support it. They form the foundation for all Army doctrine. All Soldiers should understand and internalize them. FM 1 describes the American profession of arms, the Army's place in it, and what it means to be a professional Soldier.
This is a privately authored news service and educational publication of Progressive Management.
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