Did the inhabitants of another dimension flee into our reality to save themselves from the terrible wrath of the Great Old Ones…or to help prepare us for a final devastating invasion? And what if humanity’s only chance against these Great Old Ones is an impetuous, mischievous young woman and her sardonic, furry, and surprisingly violent mentor? All questions are asked and answered in Han Solo artist DAVID MESSINA’s epic, apocalyptic tale that’s Calvin and Hobbes meets Lovecraft…if Calvin was an opinionated comic shop employee, Hobbes was an extra-dimensional warrior, and Lovecraftian creatures attacked an unsuspecting modern-day NYC! Collects 3KEYS #1-5
- 9781534398733
- 9781534398733
- Graphic novels
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Image Comics, Inc.
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