5 Kids, 1 Wife

5 Kids, 1 Wife

by Scott Tennant
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 04/09/2023

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If this guy can raise kids, so can you...

The chaos of parenting leaves little time for self-reflection and even less for celebration. We dwell on everything we could be doing better as moms or dads while seldom reveling in our successes. It helps to take a step back and look at our personal parenting journeys - where we've been and where we're going - with laughter, pride, and maybe a few tears of nostalgia.

5 Kids, 1 Wife is a heartfelt and hilarious look at families and relationships through the eyes of a father trying his best to navigate the chaos of modern parenthood. He isn't perfect, but since when was perfection a requirement for raising happy and healthy kids? Thousands have learned from Scott Tennant on his journey over the past twelve years through his 5 Kids, 1 Wife blog, and now he brings the adventure to you in this book.

The next time you feel less than confident in your parenting skills, 5 Kids, 1 Wife will help you realize you're not alone in experiencing the inevitable ups and downs. The author is, after all, someone who:

  • Relied a bit too heavily on Winnie the Pooh videos to occupy his children's time when they were toddlers

  • Wants you to understand the vital role Chuck E. Cheese plays in keeping your kids from rebelling

  • Once unknowingly installed a cat flap six feet in the air at the top of his basement door

  • Believes wholeheartedly in his "Lazy Person's Guide to Parent-Teacher Conferences"

Trust us, if this guy can raise children, you're doing just fine.

The fact is, you're a far better parent than you realize, and your children are lucky to have you. Sit back, enjoy a few laughs, learn a thing or two about the adventure we call parenting, and by the end, make sure to take a bow for how far you've come.

You deserve it.

Family & relationships
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Blue Devil Publishing

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