A children's book takes readers on a whirlwind tour of the world to discover an amazing collection of full moon celebrations, beliefs, customs, and facts. We'll visit India, Israel, Morocco, China, Australia, and many more places.
In the night sky, nothing is more magical than the full moon that rises every month. When it shines, all kinds of fascinating things occur. Tides rise to enormous heights. Children dare each other to climb a staircase to the moon. Families eat cakes with a moon inside. Campers watch out for werewolves. And sometimes, the whole moon disappears in the earth's shadow.
Come along on a whirlwind tour of the world to discover an amazing collection of full moon celebrations, beliefs, customs, and facts. We'll visit India, Israel, Morocco, China, Australia, and many more places to see what can happen ... when a full moon is rising!
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