What is a musician? Why is a musician? What attracts anyone to do this for a living? Maybe it's the same mystique that once made children want to run away with the circus... and, in a way, it is exactly like that! Scott Paris was a career musician for nearly two decades. Not the arena-playing, ant-snorting, loved-by-millions type... more like the week-in-week-out cover band work-for-hire type. Some of it was magical, other parts were treacherous. When he decided to hang it up professionally and get a "real job," he thought it might be fun to document some of those experiences while also journaling about a fancy new guitar that he bought himself as a parting gift.
- 9798350992113
- 9798350992113
- Rock & Pop music
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- BookBaby
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