Johann Herolt OP (Discipulus) of Nrnberg was the most prolific and skilful writer of model sermons in fifteenth century Europe. The Brethren of the Common Life praised him as pre-eminent among modern sermonists. Herolts collection of sermons and homiletic guides circulated widely in manuscript in mid-century, and after the advent of printing, edition after edition was published. He was one of the most published authors of the incunabular period. Some of his works are readily accessible, but others exist only in single manuscripts. This book draws new attention to these influential sermons circulating on the eve of the Reformation.
- 9781462826070
- 9781462826070
- General & world history
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Xlibris US
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