A New Human

A New Human

by Penny van Oosterzee and Mike Morwood
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 05/12/2016

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In the most revolutionary archaeological find of the new century, an international team of archaeologists led by Mike Morwood discovered a new, diminutive species of human on the remote Indonesian island of Flores. Nicknamed the “Hobbit,” this was no creation of Tolkien's fantasy. The three foot tall skeleton with a brain the size of a chimpanzee’s was a tool-using, fire-making, cooperatively hunting person who inhabited Flores alongside modern humans as recently as 13,000 years ago. This book is Morwood’s description of this monumental discovery and the intense study that has been undertaken to validate his view of its relationship to our species. He chronicles the bitter debates over Homo Floresiensis, the objections (some spiteful) of colleagues, the theft and damage of some of the specimens, and the endless battle against government and academic bureaucracies that hindered his research. This updated paperback edition contains an epilogue that reports on the most recent debates, findings, and analyses of this amazing discovery.

Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Taylor & Francis
Penny van Oosterzee

Penny van Oosterzee is an Adjunct Professor at James Cook University and has won two Eureka Science Awards and several Whitley Awards for her writing.

She has run several private enterprise environmental businesses in tourism, ecosystem services and environmental consulting, and has been a Governor of WWF Australia and a board member of the Federal Biodiversity Advisory Council. She is author of The Discovery of the Hobbit, Dragon Bones, and A Natural History and Field Guide to Australia's Top End.

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