This is a story of faith, based on real-life events of the authors. Jump in with your children to see how trusting God leads to wonderful adventures. Their story began with Michael answering a call to be a voice for the poor and the needy and led them to "a place next to heaven."
Ne'e istoria ida konaba fiar, bazeia ba realidade mak akontese iha autor sira nia moris. Mai ho ita nia oan sira hodi hare'e oinsa Maromak diak leadera viajen hotu maka maravilozu.
- 9781098048006
- 9781098048006
- Educational: Religious studies: Christianity
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
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