Six years ago, the rakish Viscount St. Austell betrayed his best friend and his own sense of honour by seducing Lionel's sister, Loveday Trehearne. Now St. Austell has hired Lionel as an artist and is reunited with Loveday once again. Though she is as beautiful as ever, Loveday lives in poverty...and a different sort of mystery seems to be haunting the Trehearnes, too. The scandalous viscount is determined to help Loveday despite her resistancebut his toughest challenge will be fighting the passion that still burns between them....
- 9781460887103
- 9781460887103
- Historical romance
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Mills & Boon Historical Undone
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