This book describes Oxygen, And Breathing Methods to Absorb More Oxygen
“I seem to be allergic to whatever that terrible smell is," said Gateman when the urge to sneeze had finally subsided.
"What terrible smell?"
"The air," said Gateman. "It smells...different."
"That's called oxygen," said Professor Boxley.
"Fresh air: No cars, no buses, no factories; just pure, clean oxygen.”
― Cuthbert Soup
Oxygen is what provides life and vitality to the blood.
Oxygen is in the air every one breathes and is needed for the cells in the body to live.
If a person does not have oxygen completely for 4 minutes the cells in the brain and heart starts to die and because they cannot be replaced these organs will stop functioning and the person will die.
Oxygen is therefore vital for all living cells in the body.
When the person inhales, oxygen enters the alveoli (air sacs), and passes through their walls into the blood.
When the lungs cannot push enough oxygen into the blood, supplemental oxygen may be required.
Oxygen therapy is a treatment that supplies the person with extra oxygen.
Normally, the lungs take in oxygen from the air the person inhale.
But some disorders can stop the person from getting enough oxygen.
1.COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
3.A severe asthma attack
4.Late-stage heart failure
5.Cystic fibrosis
6.Obstructive sleep apnea
The oxygen can be inhaled through nasal prongs, a mask, or a breathing tube.
If the person has a chronic breathing disorder, the person may have a portable oxygen tank or a machine in the home.
A different type of oxygen therapy is called hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
It utilizes oxygen at high pressure to heal wounds and treat serious infections.
In many adults with chronic lung disorder, studies have proven that long-term oxygen therapy has enhanced quality and length of life.
Oxygen can reduce shortness of breath when the person are active and permit the person to do more.
It is occasionally difficult for the person to know when oxygen therapy is needed.
If the oxygen level is low in the blood, the person may have symptoms such as:
1.Shortness of breath,
3.Morning headaches or
4.Ankle swelling.
There are 2 methods to test the blood oxygen level:
2.Arterial blood gases.
One or both methods may be used to test the need for oxygen therapy.
Most people tend to breathe rather shallow breaths.
It may be because the muscles are too tense or the sedentary lifestyle makes a person prone to breathe very shallowly.
Even though the person is receiving enough oxygen to live there is not enough inhalation of air to replace the stagnant air in the lungs and refresh every alveoli in the lungs.
There is a need for a person to do proper breathing exercise to ensure sufficient oxygen gets into the deeper pockets of the lungs.
Deep breathing:
The person should:
Close the eyes if they are open.
Take a few big, deep breaths.
Breathe in.
Imagine that the air is filled with a sense of peace and calm.
Try to feel it throughout the body.
Breathe out.
Imagine that the air leaves with the stress and tension.
Now use a phrase with the breath.
As the person breathe in, say in the mind, "I breathe in peace and calm."
As the person breathe out, say in the mind, "I breathe out stress and tension."
Continue for 10 to 20 minutes
Methods of Breathing More Oxygen:
Diaphragmatic Breathing
Pursed lip breathing
Breathing exercises
Reaching for the sky
Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll
Hydrogen Peroxide
Inhaler and Spacer
Continuous positive airway pressure
Chapter 1 Oxygen
Chapter 2 Benefits of Oxygen Therapy
Chapter 3 How to Breathe More Oxygen
Chapter 4 Breathing Exercises
Chapter 5 Breathing Training
Chapter 6 Breathing and Mental Health
Chapter 7 Breathing and Oxygen
Chapter 8 Ways to improve Oxygen Breathing

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