This book describes Shoulder Strain, Diagnosis and Treatment and Related Diseases
There have been several recent cases of Shoulder strain injuries and frozen shoulder.
One was a middle aged man playing golf.
He had a right shoulder strain.
The pain was relieved by direct injection of steroids.
However the injury (as I did inform him) will take some time to disappear especially if he continued playing his golf.
Another injury was another old lady who was trying to help her pregnant daughter take out her wheelchair when she felt a pain in the right shoulder area.
She was unable to lift her arm or use her arm to wear her clothes after the injury for a few weeks.
I also gave her a steroid injection to relieve the pain and inflammation.
It was an obvious shoulder strain tear and would take some time to recover.
The treatment involved painkiller such as brufen, shoulder brace and cold therapy followed by physiotherapy
She is now able to lift her arm up 180 degrees but cannot sustained prolonged use of her shoulder.
Another elderly patient had her shoulder strain tears surgically repaired and is practically back to normal.
She had a right shoulder sprain after the fall and possible micro-tears of the deltoid and supraspinatus muscles.
Even a younger person such as Manny Pacquiao the boxer developed a shoulder strain from boxing and receiving direct hits on his shoulder
So shoulder strain injuries are quite common especially in older men, women and sports people.
Without proper treatment there will be a prolonged period of healing but eventually the muscles will be healed with or without treatment.
It is unlikely that the muscles will not be unhealed unless it is torn again and again.
Nowadays key holes surgeries and new methods of treatment can improve recovery from a rotator cuff injury quickly.
Shoulder strain develops from the muscle tears, in contrast to a sprain which is a tear of a ligament.
These muscle tears can be considerable is some cases, needing surgery as in rotator cuff tears which is a good example of severe shoulder strain.
However, most patients who had muscle tears will recover.
The recovery of strained (also called overstretched) muscles is done by forming scar tissue.
The scar tissue is not as sturdy or flexible as healthy tissue.
In components of shoulder strain where there is poorly developed scar tissue, there is always a fragile region that is prone to repeated trauma and is more perceptive of pain since new nerve growth continually tries to reattach with the injured region.
This scar tissue can attach to muscles and nerves, which may press and irritate the region during work, sports or daily activities.
This can cause more pain, muscle spasm and limited movement.
Where scar tissue is suitably lined up with muscle fibers, the region of recovered strained muscles is strong and the muscles, tendons, nerves and circulation can function normally.
The muscle balance may be retained to alleviate pressure and irritation from these tissues.
Recovering proper function is important to healing a shoulder strain.
Symptoms of a shoulder strain may be pain, tenderness, stiffness, restricted range of motion, and possible bruising and swelling.
With proper rest, conservative treatments like ice, compression, and physical therapy, most shoulder strains can heal within a few weeks.
Chapter 1 Shoulder Strain
Chapter 2 Causes
Chapter 3 Symptoms
Chapter 4 Diagnosis
Chapter 5 Treatment
Chapter 6 Prognosis
Chapter 7 The Frozen Shoulder
Chapter 8 Shoulder Muscle Sprain
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