FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK: GURU NANAK JAYANTI (553TH BIRTH ANNIVERSARY OF GURU NANAK) - Guru Nanak (1469-1539 C.E.) was the founder of the religion of Sikhism and the first of the Sikh Gurus. His birth is celebrated worldwide on the day of Kartik Purnima as per Hindu lunar calendar. Guru Nanak, Gurpurab or Guru Nanak Jayanti celebrates the birth of the first Sikh Guru, Guru Nanak, who laid the foundation of Sikhism; UJJAIN, MADHYA PRADESH: MAHAKAL LOK CORRIDOR - Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the first phase of the ‘Shri Mahakal Lok’ corridor in Madhya Pradesh’s Ujjain on Tuesday evening (October 11).
- 9783755423690
- 9783755423690
- Antiques & collectables: books
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Bookrix
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