A Fairy Tale Recipe for Romance
*1 beautiful woman
1 scandalous celebrity chef
1 heaping tablespoon of undeniable attraction
3 cups of pure chemistry
Unlimited measure of sizzling passion*
Take one drop–dead gorgeous Lindsay Bingham.
Place her at a castle on an exotic Mediterranean island.
Add a little spice in the form of handsome celebrity chef Carlos Montigo.
Make them the hosts of a TV cooking show set in Europe.
Turn the heat up to an irresistible desire.
Don't get burned as their scorching passion explodes.
Cook until Lindsay and Carlos fall hopelessly in love!
- 9781460826065
- 9781460826065
- Adult & contemporary romance
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Mills & Boon Blush Single
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