Prepare for your Adult Critical Care Nurse certification exam with Adult CCRN® Certification Practice Q&A. With 300 high-quality questions and comprehensive rationales based on the most recent American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) exam blueprint, this essential resource is designed to help you study your way—sharpen your specialty knowledge with practice Q&A organized by exam topic or strengthen your test-taking skills with the 150-question practice test. Combined, it gives you everything you need to pass the first time, guaranteed.
Key Features:
- Includes 300 questions with in-depth rationales that address both correct and incorrect answers
- Offers two study options—by exam topic area or full 150-question practice test
- Provides key information about the AACN Adult CCRN® certification exam
- Boosts your confidence with a 100% pass guarantee
CCRN® is a registered trademark of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) Certification Corporation. AACN does not endorse this exam preparation resource, nor do they have a proprietary relationship with Springer Publishing Company.
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