Advanced Introduction to the Law of International Organizations

Advanced Introduction to the Law of International Organizations

by Jan Klabbers
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 31/07/2015

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The Advanced Introduction to the Law of International Organizations gives a nuanced overview of the legal mechanisms behind the operation of international organizations such as the UN, the EU and the World Bank. It offers perceptive insights by placing the law of international organizations in a political context and provides systematic discussion of a variety of relevant legal notions, ranging from the powers of international organizations to mechanisms of accountability. Written by a leading authority on the topic, it provides a concise and accessible examination of this developing facet of international law.

International organisations & institutions
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Edward Elgar Publishing
Jan Klabbers

Jan Klabbers has been teaching international law and the law of international organizations for more than two decades, and is currently Professor of International Law at the University of Helsinki.

He has held visiting positions at, amongst others, New York University Law School; the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva; and the University of Paris. He has received several teaching awards, and the first three editions of this book have met with general acclaim.

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