This book presents the proceedings of CIRATM-9. The papers present the latest scientific concepts and technological developments in textile and materials of worldwide researchers and practitioners. The conference promotes sharing ideas and emerging technologies and fosters research and development collaborations amongst academia, research institutions and relevant industries.
CIRATM is the first international conference applied on textiles in Tunisia and all Maghreb. It is a regular conference organized every two year since 2004. It focuses on all textile and materials fields. It joints together all actors of textile field and share research with many international collaborators.
This edition is organized with the collaboration of 4 Tunisian partners and 6 international associates and institutions
· Laboratory of Textile Engineering (LGTex, Tunisia),
· Monastir university (Tunisia)
· Tunisian Association of Textile Researchers (ATCTex, Tunisia)
· Le pôle de compétitivité Monastir-El Fejja (mfcpole, Tunisia)
· Association of the universities for textiles (AUTEX, International)
· Balkan Society of textile engineering (BASTE)
· National research & development institute for textile and leather (INCDTP, Bucharest- Romania)
· Yazid University (Iran)
· Centre d'Essais Textile (Cetelor, Lorraine - France)
· Center of Textile Science and Technology (2C2T – University of Minho, Portugal)
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